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Private OpenStack Installation

Posted on 11/7/2014 by SuperUser Account


Debian Jessie OS -  Icehouse Release

4 Server Configuration - Controller/Image/Network/Compute nodes

Nodes use bonded ethernet for 2Gigabit throughput

SSD Drives used for fast compute node storage

HP Servers used with AES Instruction set CPU's for high speed IPSEC vpn.

Openstack API is on a secure, private network


Internal network is setup to use vlans(GRE is another technolgy that could be used) *200Max

Nodes use bonded ethernet for 2Gigabit throughput (10Gigabit would be nice)

Openstack API is on a secure, private network (to be a openstack provider you would need to open up access to API)

Other Equipment Needed

Virtual Router for vpn access to private cloud network.

Backup system for the cloud system.

Parts List 

Five HP Proliant DL 360 G6

2 56xx Series Processors
6 gigabit ports
3 year parts and warranty

The controller/network/image nodes have 24GB of memory
The compute node has 72 GB of memory.

14x512MB  SSD Drives.

2 for controller
2 for network
4 for image node - 1TB in Raid 10 of  SSD with 4 drives open for larger drives
4 for compute node -  1TB in Raid 10 of SSD with 4 drives open for larger drives
2 for virtual router

HP J9064A Managed ProCurve 4204vl-48GS Switch


Hardware Costs would be $11,000 one-time purchase and you own hardware or additional $600/mo and we upgrade the hardware every four years.


Up to 8U in rack space at the 511 Building @ $1200/mo with internet access via Hurrican Electric

15 Amp Power @ $200/mo

Implementation Costs

Current prices and one time cost for implementation is budgeted at three work days.

One-time Implementation Cost $3950

Implementation includes configuration of the HP Switch, ILO and HP Servers, OS Installation, Virtual Router configuration for vpns. 

Add $660 for remote installation via ILO in your data center.
Add another $660 for changing the parts list, for example cisco switches

Monthly Management Costs

Monthly Managed openstack at our data center $900/mo
Monthly Managed Installation at your data center $1250/mo

 Management includes monitoring openstack systems in openNMS, responding to outages.  Upgrading current version software for security considerations.  Major version upgrades are not included.  Responding to Openstack issues and training in best and efficient use of your private openstack system.

Customers servers in our data center at the 511 building and implement and manage their private openstack system

$3950 One Time Installation of Openstack
$2300 monthly management and hosting of servers

Customers servers at customers data center and remote implementation and manage the system remotely.

$4610 One Time remote installation at your data center with help from remote hands.
$1250 monthly management

Private Openstack Servers as a Service

$3950 One Time installation at our data center.
$2900 Monthly


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